Manurewa Central School

School Information

School Facilities

Manurewa Central School has an excellent range of facilities available for students and staff including well resourced classrooms, an ESOL specialist classroom, an information learning space featuring a library and ICT suite, an auditorium, an outdoor turf area, a native bush walk, school vegetable gardens and plant propagation tunnel and swimming pool.

The Resource Teachers of Literacy are based at our school.

These facilities are available to assist children from the Manurewa area.

Manurewa Central School is pleased to host the unit and welcomes the professional expertise these specialist teachers bring to our school.

School Hours

School begins at 9.00 a.m and finishes at 3.00 p.m. throughout the school year.

Parents will be notified well in advance of changes to school hours. Updates will be available on the school website.

Morning tea is at 10.40-11am daily.

Lunchtime is 12.30-1.30pm daily.

The playground is well supervised at all breaktimes. Students are expected to be at school by 8.40 a.m.

All students are expected to leave the grounds by 3.15 p.m.

Duty teachers are located at all school exits at 3pm.

Reporting to Parents

Written reports on every student are provided at half year and end of year.

Students in Years 3 to 6 have individual files of work that are compiled throughout the year. These are shared with whanau every six weeks.

We ask you share feedback to your child on the strong efforts they make in their learning and participation at school.

School newsletters are sent home every three weeks on a Friday. Parents are asked to sign a newsletter return slip for their child.

A copy of the school newsletter will feature on the website.

Parents are invited to contact the school to discuss the progress of their children with the class teacher, team leader and/or principal.

How can you help?

A high level of parent interest and participation in school programmes and celebrations are pleasing features at Manurewa Central.

You are invited to help on outings, give assistance to school working groups and enjoy a variety of school functions and celebrations.

A major priority at Manurewa Central School is the close involvement of school, parents and community in the education and personal development of every student.

We encourage you to please contact the school if you wish to share any concerns you may have.

Term Dates 2025

  • TERM 1:  Monday 3 February - Friday 11 April

  • TERM 2:  Monday 28 April - Friday 27 June

  • TERM 3   Monday 14 July - Friday 19 September

  • TERM 4:  Monday 6 October - Friday 16 December

Before and After School Programmes

Manurewa Central School does not offer a before or an afterschool care programme. A number of community groups offer these programmes.

The following groups offer a 'pick up'service from our school.

  • SKIDS (Held at Homai Primary School)
    Browns Road, Manurewa
    021 300 146 / (09)265 2422
  • SKIDS (Held at Manurewa South School)
    Tawa Crescent, Manurewa
    021 289 9939 / (09)298 5251
  • Nathan Homestead
    70 Hill Road, Manurewa
    (09)267 0072
  • Manurewa Recreation Centre
    Frances Street, Manurewa
    (09)267 4646