Social Worker in School
(Family Works)
Kia ora, Malo e Lelei, Talofa Lava, Ni Hao, Namaste, Bula Vinaka, Fakaalofa Lahi Atu, Kia orana, Mauri, Greetings.
The school environment is looking amazing as we prepare for our Art Walk.
We have such talented artists and look forward to celebrating their creatons with you next week. A big thank you to Mrs McHaffie-Green for organising, motivating and supporting our tamariki and teachers.
School Grounds
Our perimeter fencing has been completed and we will soon embark on a landscaping project to replant specific areas with shrubs and trees.
We will work alongside Jill Rice from Get Outside, the landscape architect who designed our outdoor space after our rebuild was completed.
We will also be looking to 'revamp' our bushwalk area. If yu have green fingers and would be interested in supporting any of these projects. Please get in touch with the school office.
General Knowledge-a-Thon
Our big fundraising activity for the year is coming up. Information including the questions and sponsorship forms, will be distributed in the last week of term.
We ask that you support your child to learn the answers to a range of interesting and challenging questions over the holiday period.
Money raised from the General Knowledge-a-Thon goes towards resources and experiences for our children that our school budget does not cover. More details to follow.
Festival of Cultures
Please make a note of this in your diaries. In Week 5 next term, on thursday 14th November from 5:30-7:30pm. we will be inviting our family and friends to a Whānau Picnic celebrating a variety of cultures at MCS.
We have such a rich and diverse cultural community, and look forward to showcasing their talents with you.
Playground Safety
We are fortunate to have such wonderful outdoor facilities, but it is important to remember that school staff are not responsible for the supervision of children before 8:30am and after 3pm.
For health and safety reasons, this includes the use of the school playgrounds.
Winter Illnesses
Thank your to all parents and whānau for keeping your children at home when they are sick. We value your support as we navigate staff absence during the winter months.
We also have an outbreak of chicken pox in the senior school. Therefore, we would like to take this opportunity to remind you of the procedure for when to keep your child at home and when it is appropriate to send them back to school, should your child develop the symptoms.
Chicken pox is a mild and common childhood illness cause by a virus called varicella zoster. It is most common in children under the age of ten and is contagious.
The person is contagious from 1 to 2 days before the spots appear until the spots have crusted over (usually 5-6 days after the spots appear).
Groups of people that are most at risk of serious problems if they catch chicken pox are newborn babies, pregnant women and those with a weakened immune system.
Therefore, it is important, if your child has chicken pox, to keep them at home while they are contagious. If we suspect a child has chicken pox at school, parents will be contacted and asked to collect them.
All children should remain at home until all chicken pox spots have crusted over to avoid further spread of the illness. To seek further advice please contact your GP.
With warmer weather around the corner, we look forward to the spring and summer months!
Ngā mihi
Michelle Dibben
Please enter and leave school daily using the Admin carpark gate or Cenotaph gate.
Gates are closed at 9am and opened at the end of the day at 2.55pm.
Late students use the main office and are required to sign in as 'Late'.
New Entrant children must be collected from Totara pod at the end of the day.
Please do not use the office area unless you need to speak with office staff.
Thank you for your help with this.
Thank you for keeping our children safe by walking along the footpaths and crossing at the lights.
Keep it up.
Swimming is part of our PE curriculum. It is expected that all children will swim.
Please ensure swimming gear is clearly named for every student.
A note from a parent/caregiver is required if your child is not swimming for any reason.
It has been a busy term of learning and fun in Tōtara Pod.
We have continued to welcome new friends and their families as they have started school with us.
We have been working for the past couple of weeks on pieces of art for the school art walk next week. Our theme is under the sea and each class is creating pieces related to a sea creature.
Tōtara One are making fish, Tōtara Two are making starfish, Tōtara Three are making Jellyfish and Tōtara Four are making turtles.
We are excited to show what we have been making next week. We have also started training for the cross country race that will be early next term.
We are enjoying extending our running track and seeing just how far we can go.
What an exciting term we have had at school!
In Pūriri we learn about a new creature each week so we can learn to plan and write an information report. This week's creature was axolotls and we learned a lot - Miss Sampson even learned how to spell axolotls!
Here is what two of our students learnt about axolotls:
Manraj: Axolotl means water monster. Wild axolotls only live for 5 to 6 years. Pet axolotls can live for 15 years. Axolotls can regenerate almost any part of their body.
Zhané: Axolotl means water monster. Axolotls are carnivores and they eat snails, insects, fish and other axolotls. They have small feet and legs. They have long tails and external gills.
Tītoki are delighted to have a group of students join us from Tōtara.
These superstars quickly made the shared space their home.
We are all very excited about the art walk which is taking place next week. Each whanau group has worked hard to create their own masterpieces.
We look forward to the children being able to show their creations to family and friends. Earlier in the year, the year twos attended a Margaret Mahy theatre performance.
Next term, the year ones will be attending a Mrs Wishy Washy show.
In anticipation of this event, we have been reading many books about dear Mrs. Wishy Washy and the naughty, silly antics of the farm animals.
It has been an incredibly busy term and we have worked extremely hard. The forthcoming holidays are well deserved.
Thank you parents for your continued support and we wish you all a safe and happy break.
It is nearing the end of the term, where did that time go!?
It has been wonderful to see the continued growth and progress of ākonga in Kōwhai and to hear them confidently talk about what they are learning.
During our Inquiry topic - Coast to Coast, we have looked at the different tribes in the North Island and the South Island as well as the importance of a pepeha to Iwi and Māori.
On Thursdays, the netball coaches have been helping us to develop our ball skills as we practise chest and bounce passes and catching with our 'w' hands.
There has been lots of painting, sketching and creating as we prepare for the Art Walk next week. Who knew umbrellas could be used for something other than a rainy day!
We can't wait to see the amazing pieces that are being created in other pods too.
Over the past two weeks Tī kōuka has been buzzing with creativity and curiosity as we prepare for our upcoming exhibition. Our tamariki have been working hard on art pieces inspired by the seasons, diving deep into the vibrant world of Picasso, and creating some cute and colourful creatures that are sure to bring a smile to your face.
Beyond the art, we've been exploring some serious topics affecting our environment.
The students have been learning about the stressors of population growth, fishing (both recreational and commercial), farming, and construction on the Hauraki Gulf.
It's been eye-opening for them, and they've been both concerned and shocked by what they've discovered.
This has sparked many wonderings and questions, leading to some great discussions about how we can all make a difference.
If you're keen to learn more about the state of our beautiful Hauraki Gulf, we recommend checking out the "Sea Sick" episodes by Stuff.co.nz.
It's a very informative series and a must-watch for all Aucklanders.
Wow, Week 9!
Rimu has been working hard on preparing for the Art Trail.
Learning about different types of art and how it is presented.
Looking forward to showing all parents and guardians our art pieces.
We have been enjoying our Wednesday KidsCan lunch snacks that Mrs L has been preparing.
Next up, WERO!
Nikau Pod have been given the opportunity to work alongside Watercare to learn more about the water quality of waterways in our area.
Katherine from Watercare joined us for a visit to Walpole Reserve this week. We transformed into scientists and conducted tests on the water.
Checking the quality, pH, turbidity and looking for water life (bugs).
The students found that there were small traces of pollution in the stream.
On their walk back to school the students put on gloves and collected rubbish, they were shocked at the amount of rubbish they had gathered.
We're hoping to visit the stream again later in the year and hope to find an improvement in water quality and the amount of litter left on our streets.
Kauri is looking like an art gallery at the moment with all of our completed art.
We have been busy putting the finishing touches on our contributions for the Art Walk in Week 9!
We have gone a bit crazy and have done a lot of work to share with everyone.
Come along to Kauri Pod next week to check it out! We have been working on the writing process, in particular how to brainstorm and plan before starting our writing.
In Maths there is lots of, Geometry going on.
Mrs Sowden's group is working on designing a Mini Putt Course to look at angles, shapes and lines in the real world.
Mrs McHaffie-Green has been working on reflecting, rotating and, translating shapes and Mr Wickmans group has been working on different strategies to work out number problems.
Parents, caregivers and whānau
Please help your child/ren to be at school by 8.30-8.45am every day.
This gives your child/ren time to talk with the teacher, see their friends and get organised for learning for their day.
All students are required to be 'ready for learning' by 9.00am every day.
Our learning programmes begin at this time.
Thank you for your help and support in ensuring a happy start to the school day for your child/ren every day.
These collector cards are now appearing at school.
We request that you please encourage your children to keep their Disney cards at home and away from school.
There is huge interest in swapping these cards and many of our children struggle to understand the implications of a "swap", given that some cards are clearly more desirable than others.
We understand that many of our children enjoy them - but we do request that the cards please stay away from school.
Thank you for your understanding and help with this.
The Board invites applications from parents who wish to enrol their child at Manurewa Central School. A number of places for Out of Zone students are available for:
Out of Zone application forms are available from the school office, or online from our website www.mancent.school.nz
Applications will be received up to and including Monday 21 October 2024.
Applications from out of zone students will be processed in priority order. Details are contained in the enrolment scheme which is available at the school office.
If the number of Out of Zone applications exceeds the number of places available, students will be selected by ballot. The Ballot will be held on Thursday 24 October 2024.
If you are already a parent of a child attending our school, it is important that you also complete the ballot application form for a younger sibling in order to guarantee a place for 2025.
Please DO NOT allow your child to bring toys to school.
We are not able to ensure they return to their rightful home or that they do not get broken.
Please DO NOT send lollies & lollipops to school.
We encourage healthy eating at school.
Please save treats for after school.
No fizzy drinks please.
We appreciate your help with these requests.
Please ensure your contact details are up to date!
These can be updated by email to:
officemanager@mancent.school.nzPlease check we have a copy of your child's vaccination records and any important medical information.
Pasefika Healthcare Nurse: Anita Lea
Our nurse is available at school by appointment to advise and support you with any health concerns for your children.
She is available for hearing and vision checks and will throat swab for infection at your request.
Referrals can be made to see the nurse or for advice and support via application at the school office.
Gates are closed at 3.20pm.
Sunhats on Heads
Please ensure your child has a named sun hat or cap to be used for all activities outside the classroom.
Children without hats/caps will play in shaded areas.
Term Dates 2024
Teachers will send an invite to join your child's class dojo.
Parents, you will get an email or text with a link to accept.
From there, you will create an account or sign in to an existing account to connect.
Please Note:
You will need to use an email address to create an account.
Students will be asked before the end of the term to sign up if they would like to take part and represent our school at the Manurewa Primary School Sports Association Tournaments.