Nau mai haere mai,
During the last three years, the school's environment has been on a transformational journey. Our new classroom buildings and external landscaping provide a safe and fun place to learn.
Indeed, our new build has provided learning spaces worthy of our vision for tamariki. Our focus on equity and excellence ensures we recognise diversity as a strength, and this is reflected in our school vision and values statements. We want our children to believe in themselves, dream big, shape their futures and learn without limits. Our learner profile - He Manu Rere supports children to acquire dispositions for the now, and for their futures.
We are proud of the school's history and heritage. It is these firm foundations that give us the confidence to provide educational experiences that grow our learners' skills and capabilities. The tradition of high expectations in all aspects of school life is visible throughout the curriculum and through the extra-curricular activities we offer.
Sporting and cultural activities are given high profile and offer children a way to connect with their peers outside of the classroom. Language, culture and identity are important aspects of the children's lives, and we place importance on the development of knowledge and understanding of the cultural heritages of the partners to Te Tiriti o Waitangi.
We provide high quality resources to support learning throughout the school day. Active engagement is encouraged at all times. This is most evident in our provision of play-time activities where the playground is flooded with equipment - from balls, hoops and skipping ropes to scooters, balance bikes, skateboards and trampolines!
Children comment that coming through our gates is like entering a park! Our landscaping post-build is modelled on this design. There are areas for active play (such as the sandpit for our younger learners), creative play (such as the timber trail in the bush area), quiet/reflective spaces and team games on our two artificial turf areas.
We are fortunate to have positive, strong home/school partnerships and actively promote whānau engagement in learning programmes.
Our board of trustees provide valuable resources to ensure we provide a rich and balanced curriculum. For instance, children have access to a variety of digital devices, and we swim in terms 1 and 4 in our solar heated school pool.
Community involvement also extends beyond the school gates, and we actively seek opportunities to enhance children's life experiences.
I feel privileged to be leading Manurewa Central School alongside such a dedicated and committed teaching team.
I would like to wish all our families well for 2023 as we embark on the learning journey together.
'Ehara taku toa i te toa takitahi, engari he toa takitini'
'My strength is not that of an individual but that of the collective'
Michelle Dibben
Manurewa Central School
Goal 1: Student learning and engagement - Ako
• Developing student agency
• Delivery of local curriculum
• Improving collaborative inquiry practice to maximise impact on learning
Goal 2: Educationally Powerful Connections - Whānaungatanga
• Community engagement - participation in the strategic direction of the school
• Community engagement - involvement in the local curriculum
• Engagement with families - home/school partnerships
Goal 3: Cultural Capability - Manaakitanga
• Māori achieving success as Māori
• Strengthening cultural identity for all ethnicities in the school
Goal 4: Wellbeing: Hauora
• Develop students' social and emotional competencies
• Continue to build and sustain high trust relationships
• Streamline systems and processes that impact on workload
• Provide opportunities for social support - invest in staff on a personal and
professional level